We took a trip with all our things
And went on down to gay Palm Springs
We went to be with other dykes
To see the ones, ourselves the likes.
It was the famous Dinah Shore
There were women there galore.
Our lodging was a lovely spa
With private drapes that we did draw.
In shops and shows and on the street
Assorted women we did meet.
We saw a femme; we saw a butch
But all the others they were futch.
Not butch nor femme, at neither pole
Androgyny -- their central role.
Afraid to walk in either place
The middle’s where they run their race.
I looked away and wondered why
Their visage did not please my eye.
They bored me so; they weren’t prizes
Though they came in many sizes.
They had no style; they had no class
They were just one amorphous mass.
All dressed alike in their bland togs
Obsessing on their cats and dogs.
They might be nice and fun and smart
Affairs with them, I just won’t start.
For I am femme, all through and through
And it’s a butch that I’ll love true.
Give me a butch, that’s what I say,
A mannish woman every day.
One who’ll shave hys chin, you see
And packs a wallop, just for me!
A snappy dresser, not a slob
A charming smile, a home and job.
A boi who loves my shapely form
And seeks my heat to keep hym warm.
An opposite to my femme self
A boish leprechaunish elf.
For me there is no other way
To live a full and happy day.
I need a butch to satisfy
And without one, I would just die.
So darling, keep your dapper ways
And we’ll be happy all our days.
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