Children come to this world through heterosexuality; it is how human reproduction works. I really don’t care anything about heterosexuality, other than that it was the function that brought me my precious children. Nothing more about it interests me.
People who don’t pause to think about it for a minute are unlikely to separate heterosexuality as a function from the heavy handed social domination of the, if I may coin a phrase here, “heteroarchy.” The heteroarchy wields the myth of “heterosexuality as the norm” as a tool to control power by controlling people where they reproduce and therefore by extension, where they have sex.
Heterosexuality is an important tool in the bag-o’-tricks of the dominant governmental and religious politicos and creating a popular belief that a “heterosexual norm” exists is an important function of government and religion. Because the power that is at stake here is control of the population, it is easy to see why this tool has remained a favorite of the power elite for such a long time, centuries really.

The heteroarchy needs to control, then, when and with whom we have sex so that as many children as possible are born. This control is critical to the heteroarchy, and their supporters, who believe the stability of the current way of life in the Western world as they know it is at stake. What the supporters may not see so clearly is the need of the power elite to maintain their own positions by continually increasing the human capital they command.
That this is true can be seen by looking at the history of Europeans and slave owning in America. Black African slaves were brought to the Americas because the large population of hundreds of millions of American Natives could not be maintained as slaves. They sickened and died from disease. Africans on the other hand, were mostly resistant to the diseases of the Western Hemisphere and could survive as slaves in close contact with Europeans.
The trick with slavery is to keep the slaves alive and reproducing. The example of Thomas Jefferson and his long-time sex-slave Sally Hemings, whom he impregnated several times, is perhaps archetypical. Hemings was believed to be the daughter of Thomas Jefferson’s father in law, John Wayles and a slave named Betsy or Betty, who was herself the daughter of a slave and a ship owner. In the sexual interactions with these women at least three humans came into the world to serve as human capital for men with enough money and power to own slaves.
Sun Myung Moon is no different. He is expecting a percentage from all of those babies that will be born from those 450,000 marriages, and if his self-enslaved followers support themselves, take care of their own needs, and then send him a check once a month, so much the better and so much less bother.
The power elite would still make slaves of us all, turning our energies, power, and lifeblood into human capital that creates wealth for them while producing workers who end up worn and broken from their interaction with the power elite and who ironically end up leaving that same capitalistic system the legacy of their own children, who in their turn will be similarly worn and broken and point with pride to their own children, not yet showing signs of the wear and breakage that awaits them.
We are in a battle for freedom from fascism -- for ourselves, for our children, for the blind minions and for the ignorant fools that surround us. We are fighting for the freedom of the planet, really. We are fighting for a future free of the oppressive machinations of the greedy power elite – for a future free of the rape for profit of our women, our uneducated masses, and our planet.
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