...a queer Femme lesbian reflects...

Ah! The Butch-Femme Dance...a work of love in progress...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Waiting, Breathing

Shye is not amused. Shye is stricken; longing for hys touch, taste, smell, presence. Shye is transfixed by hys image. Shye brings hyr face to the screen and inhales, hungry for hys scent. Hyr tongue flicks across the image there, seeking hys smooth salt skin. Shye presses hyr face against the cool glass screen, aching for hys warmth. Shye breathes, sips abstractedly at hyr tea, licks the chocolate from hyr lips, and notices the fabric of hyr blouse as it moves in response to hyr arousal when shye thinks of hym. Shye, absorbed in hyr reverie, anticipates with joy the conjunction that lies just beyond this eternal moment. Waiting, fully in this moment.


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