...a queer Femme lesbian reflects...

Ah! The Butch-Femme Dance...a work of love in progress...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Ballad of Eternal Life

Upon the old couch with hys usual flair
did a strapping big boi seat hys maiden so fair.
Hys plan was at work, hye'd developed hys scheme
To seduce the fair femme and make true hyr sweet dream.

Shye felt hyr desire, she swelled with the tension,
and shye felt shye would swoon when shye saw it's dimension.
The length from one end was nine inches, I'm sure;
the breadth made hyr hunger and whimper the more.

On that couch shye leaned back and shye begged for a boon
Of hyr Leige, on hyr back, where shye prayed for it soon.
Shye beckoned hym close with a flick of hyr wrist
"I must have that in me, I really insist!"

Hye looked at hyr throat, at hyr belly and jaw,
then hye looked hyr all over and liked what hye saw.
"First into my mouth, with its flavor so rare,"
decreed the young maid while shye let down hyr hair.

Deep down in hyr throat went a wide and long slick
of a tasty sweet substance, shye thought, made to lick.
Shye shuddered with pleasure, tried not to be crass,
shye knew it would soon make its way to hyr mass.

Internalization, hyr only goal now,
as shye licked it all over, shye wondered just how
shye could take it all in? There must be a trick
to keep the endeavor from making hyr sick.

Shye licked it once more, held it close to hyr heart,
and shye knew shye'd been punctured by Cupid's cruel dart.
The next day they found hyr, alone in that place
and marveled about the pure joy on her face.

There were stains on the walls and more on hyr chin
and the smell in the room, it bespoke hyr great sin.
Shye died where shye lived, with that thing in hyr hand ,
shye died in the throes of too great a demand.

Shye had died in an effort to eat that whole lot,
shye was sure shye could do it, that's what shye had thought.
Hyr last will was opened, its contents were read,
to distribute hyr assets, now that shye was dead.

But hyr life was cut short then by eating that bar;
it was chocolate that caused hyr to hitch to a star!
So remember this tale of lust and of strife
and acknowledge that chocolate brings eternal life.

W. Wonka


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